Immortalizing Memories

Saturday 23 September 2017

Gastronomic Spain

Read my previous post:
Part 1: Departure
Part 2: Puerta del Sol
Part 3: Of Palace and Parks
Part 4: Solo Trippin' Thoughts 

I have heard of a lot of incidents about getting pickpocketed from people during their trip to Europe. There are perhaps 21 ways to lose your keys, 52 ways to lose your camera, 103 ways to lose your wallet. Well, I made up the statistic of course.. hah. But it's true, you can have your valuables taken away without you realizing. It's a professionalism, and it happens 24/7. If it happens, it's a norm. If it doesn't happen to you, be grateful! The uber most, MOST important baby you should look after should be your PASSPORT and $$$. Always keep them in sight.

Same hairstyle again but I like it. OOTD: Floral blouse and pastel brown skirt

This time, I received many warnings from the people whom I know. A lot worried about my safety as I would be alone, and a terrorism incident just took place around a week before my departure to Spain. I felt sad to know about what happened there.

Thankfully, everything went well during my trip. Yours truly is truly grateful for the prayers of my dear one. Amtf...

IFEMA is freaking huge. Walking from one end to another the north to south end must have 1km or a little lesser. If it's not because of my leg injury I could have done more during my trip. 

So I had a tour inside the football stadium. By the way, what is football?
So they say, I can't miss this stadium in Spain. Okay, I take your words. If there's dummy for football, I think I'm the little one. I can't really feel any excitement yet. I'm taking it like a museum visit. Perhaps, I need a little more understanding on the games. Perhaps I need to watch a serious game of football, which I hope I could have done it. Perhaps..perhaps..

 The "paleolitic" football and football shoes. So many history to know.
Despite the fact I know little about football, their merchandise in their official shops still appeal me. Eventhough I never get any of them, cuci mata there also won't harm, yes? no? There's just something I like about the simplicity of designs they have. And damn freaking cool.

I see football fans getting inside, all excited.
Something that I really like about Spain is that people will never block ways on the escalator. If you are just chilling and not in a hurry, the right lane is reserved for you. As for the left lane, it is cleared so that people who are in a rush so they can get through. Kissing couples can also both make it in one lane so no excuse of you to block the escalator. Before my leg injury, I'm an all time left-lane user. After I became sort of like an OKU, I changed lane. Woe is me.

The reading culture of Spanish people appealed me most. I must learn to master the art of reading everywhere anytime without running into a pole and missing my station. They read everywhere, the old, the young, the gorgeous, the hotties. If not books, many of them like to use the kindle.

I never get to meet my favourite celebrity in my real life, but meeting my favourite textbook writer is just as exciting.
My gastronomic experience in Spain is pretty much a far difference from any typical tourist. I think time is more important than sitting down to eat properly. So most of the time, I would have some grab-and-go food during my journey. And I managed to get something lesser than 1 euro sometimes! Nonetheless, eventhough on budget I would still spoil myself when I see something I would really like to try in Spain like.. gelato? And I can't find anymore flavour that could beat mint chocolate~

Being a breakfast person, I needed something I could eat after getting up. If not, I will feel like a zombie.
Everything at IFEMA is so expensive. I fork up my 7 euros to buy a small salmon baguette because my energy needs to replenished from the excessive energy output there. My most expensive and most unsatisfying one coz I still feel so hungry after eating.
Cheese! I got an overdose of them. Jamons were too good. And I forgot what I ate but they were so good!
Regardless of whether you are a caucasian or asian, blood type A, B, AB or O, long hair short hair everyone sure loves food and food loves everyone. My best gastronomic experience comes from Spanish night. Ok what is fat?

Lost track of how many around rounds I took. I sinned seriously that night.
BUT not trying out their local food is an even more deadly sin. Thou shalt not miss paella, jamon, and ermm.. other names I can't remember now. (I will recall them, one day.) 
My Sangria
Comes from the word sangre which means "blood" due to its colour. Taste a little like fruit enzyme since it's basically wine and fruits. Love itttt!

The band and people dancing flamenco

To be continued. Thank you for reading :)

Mind dropping by to say hi?



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